Alien march
Alien march

alien march
  1. Alien march cracked#
  2. Alien march tv#
alien march

At that point the disc in the sky had reached such a high spin that all the spikes blurred into one piece and now I saw without a doubt that that disc definitely was the cause.Ī strange thing came next: I began to predict the strikes, as in ‘newscasting’ the explosions about 10 or so seconds before they happened.

alien march

People in there started screaming in unison with those outside and by now a lot of people were running not into buildings but out of them. A massive part of its lower floor gave way instantly, making the whole building lean very dangerously. Nobody saw the object up there, everyone was yelling in shock pointing to the blown-up hole when POW!Another building suffered a hit at the ground floor level. , I never saw anything come from that disc but what happened is when its rays reached very fast spin point that building got hit. I looked in shock from the spinning disc and its rays to the apartment right across from me that had a smoking hole and a big chunk missing- all that was evident of that section that was hit was smoking cement dust, not even the big pieces that were blown off were visible. Cement just collapsed and the people on the street hollered in fright and some dropped to the ground in protective positions. Spin, spin, faster and faster, then suddenly on the ground one of the apartments got hit by something- POW!!– and the building lost a big chunk out of it. Long spikes like silver “sun-rays” came out all around it and slowly started to spin.

Alien march cracked#

This object opened into two- a top and bottom half like a yo-yo it cracked all around and the two halves opened like a sandwich being separated. It came down smooth and silent but since I’d caught the glint of metal in the sky I managed to spot and keep my eye on it til it came right do wn about halfway, til it was closer to us than being far away in the sky. Focusing, I saw a small silver disc object about the size of a snack plate come down slowly from a cloud. The sky was very beautiful that morning – blue, light clouds, light wind moving the clouds. I was looking out the window at normal stuff when a sparkle of metal in the sky caught my eye. I was already ready for the day when stuff started happening I grabbed my bag that had basics in it and ran for my life. I’d woken up early and did all the things I normally do and that’s why in the end I was able to run while many people who were not prepared got trapped in their homes and hurt or probably killed. One day, that routine might save your life.

Alien march tv#

Out of nowhere the window became like a big TV showing what I didn’t want to see and wasn’t prepared for at all. But that day the normally peaceful scenes from the window were transformed into total mayhem, people panicking and screaming due a chain of events nobody could’ve predicted. My kitchen faced the street so most mornings I had breakfast in the sunshine while watching people go about their day: some drove to work, others headed to the train or bus, big and small children walking to the school- I’d stand there, eat and just look. There was one school, many small stores and no business district – just residential as far as I could see from my big kitchen window. This means a lot of private homes of different sizes mixed in with low- and mid-level apartments, a blend of taller buildings with private homes where people have fences and pets with their cars inside the fence, or some who don’t have a yard so they keep their cars lined along the street. I dr eamt that I lived in a low-rise apartment building (less than 10 floors) in a mixed residential area. This is a dream I received concerning the destructive nature of the creatures that call themselves “aliens” who will introduce themselves as ‘peace-makers’ to the world.

Alien march