Franz list
Franz list

franz list

It was an escape from religious persecution and poverty and also an opportunity for people to start over and own their own land. Hundreds of thousands of Europeans, including many Rhinelanders, made the voyage to North America between the 17th and 20th centuries. This was the case with the surname Franz. They named their children after saints in the hope that the child would be blessed or protected by the saint. In the Middle Ages, they became increasingly popular because people believed that the souls of the deceased continued to be involved in this world. Personal names derived from the names of saints, apostles, biblical figures, and missionaries are widespread in most European countries. In Europe, theChristian Church was one of the most powerful influences on the formation of given names. In the religious naming tradition surnames were bestowed in honor of religious figures or church officials. Franz was derived from the baptismal name for the son of Franciscus. Two common types of German names are patronymic names, taken from the given name of the father, and metronymic names, taken from the name of the mother. While the Germans at first used only one name, population increases created confusion among people of the same name, forcing them to adopt hereditary surnames. The surname Franz is a ancient German name that originated in the Rhineland.

Franz list