Tomba ps1 portal
Tomba ps1 portal

tomba ps1 portal

Tomba ps1 portal full#

Each of these comes from a different period and will get you caught up in events in their own time such as fighting a war for the king and queen, stopping a castle full of powerful magicians or battling a civilization born from draining Lavos’ power, but each one ties into the central theme of figuring out just what exactly Lavos is and ultimately how he can be stopped. The team are joined along the way by Robo, a sentient machine from the future Ayla, a warrior girl from prehistoric times and Frog, a well-spoken Knight cursed by the demon Magus (who can also join your crew). Eventually the trio solve this conundrum and jump back in the portal which takes them 700 years into the future, where they discover the world has been obliterated by an apocalyptic event caused by a being known as Lavos.įrom there, Chrono Trigger flits back and forth through time periods for the remainder of the run time but the goal is always simple – figure out what caused Lavos to destroy the world in 2000AD and put a stop to it. The trio find themselves four hundred years in the past where Marle’s ancestor has been kidnapped and when Marle appears bearing a striking resemblance to the missing woman, the King calls off the search for his wife which wipes Marle from existence – a perfect demonstration of the grandfather paradox in time travel.

tomba ps1 portal

Things are kicked into gear when Crono’s childhood friend Lucca shows off her latest invention at the Millennial Fair, which accidentally creates a portal in which the duo travel through time alongside Marle, who is secretly Princess Nadia.

tomba ps1 portal

When a spikey-haired youth named Crono awakens ready to celebrate the turn of the millennium in 1999AD, little does he anticipate the events he’ll soon be tied up in – centred around beating a world-devouring creature known as Lavos who he discovers through time travel is responsible for obliterating the planet. SquareSoft’s SNES swansong offers a time-travelling epic that’s a fantastic JRPG in its own right, but a sloppy port to the PS1 and some issues with characterisation and pacing let it down.

Tomba ps1 portal